My Testimony

My name is Jeanette, a soul, saved by the grace and mercy of our Creator Abba Yahweh through faith in His only Son Yeshua. Like many of you, I have been trying to figure out just why I am here, what Abba wants me to do and how He wants me to accomplish it.

Wearing many hats, I am a wife, a mom, a step mom, an artist, an entrepreneur, a fur & feather baby mama, a gardener, herbalist, and a prayer warrior. We are all on this journey and are here to love and encourage others along the way.

I began my journey in a Sunday school class at about the age of 4 or 5. We sang “Come Into My Heart Lord Jesus” and I meant it. And I know that Yahweh recognized my sincerity because I did not recall this memory until I was an adult.

Like many others, I did go through a rebellious phase as a young adult, but somehow I always knew that I would return to the Lord. My first marriage was a 2 and a half year failure because I did not listen to many warning signs and advice. My parents were divorced and my mother married an atheist, so I have to say that our family had already been shaken up.

Eventually I was married again to the most wonderful Christian man. We had a daughter together and our faith in the Lord grew as we were members of a small town church where we were very involved. I have to say that in my walk, Abba has always placed me in the midst of some of the most beautiful and faithful believers in Him.

We home schooled our daughter and she and I learned much together and today are still very close because of the bonding time. When our she was 19, her Daddy developed a brain tumor. We were told that he had about a year to live. He chose to take experimental treatments which also involved chemotherapy. Sadly much of his brain deteriorated along with the tumor. We could not have made it without the Lord and our faithful prayer group of precious brothers and sisters in the Lord. In the midst of that year our daughter got married, too quickly I will add, most likely because she wanted her Dad to be able to take her down the aisle.

The doctors were accurate in their timeline assessment. My husband went to be with Yeshua with everyone gathered around him a mere five days before his sixty fifth birthday. The Lord gave me a glimpse of him in a dream, he was young and healthy, talking to Him. We had been together for 25 very blessed years. About the same time our daughter’s marriage fell apart and she drew away from the Lord. This is an ongoing spiritual battle in my life, but she is in His hands.

Widowhood is lonely and I did find love and marry again a few years ago. Starting over is nothing new for me, it has a way of making us all humble which is how Yeshua wants us to be. Through all of this seasoning, the Lord has been preparing me for such a time as this, teaching me how to focus my prayers and use the sword of the Spirit, the scriptures, and to pray is what He has been showing me, for all kinds of praise and petitions. He wants me to share what I know with others, using the gifts, knowledge, wisdom and abilities He has given to me, using His strength, as He calls us all to do. Shalom Shalom Blessings.